5 Free Activities That You Can Do Without Paying To Have Fun With Your Child

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I know that this is cliche a little bit and there are MILLIONS of these articles out there, but I am hoping to bring some new spins to this game.  I know that most of us do not have the funds to pay for classes.  Especially if you are living off of one income, believe me I am there with you.  I used to be that mom that DID pay for classes, but then moved to a place where it was a little bit more expensive to live, so that meant to sacrifice the classes we use to take like gymnastics.  And, it can get very lonely and difficult when you are a stay at home mom in a new area where you don’t know people.

So, what is there to do then??  There is hardly anything, but now most places want a monthly fee.  Well, I was getting frustrated that all of the free things to do near me kept filling up and the rest of the places I had to pay for.  It got me thinking that I have done everything that I could possibly think of, but then the answer popped me in the face like Stitch on the truck in lava, then popping onto Gantu’s spaceship.  The answer is that you can do stuff, but you just have to dig deep enough to find them.

Here are my 5 free things to do:

  1. Go to the library. I, personally, keep forgetting that the library is a cool place to be when you are a kid.  There are lots of books and now there are events that go along with story time at the library.  Recently, I took my daughter to the library and they were having a Mad Tea Party event where the librarian read Alice in Wonderland: The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.  It was so much fun!  After reading the book, the kids got to make their own hat, then they got to take home a cupcake that was shaped like a teacup and some flamingo punch.  So cool and a memory to cherish!
  2. Go to free preview classes.  I use to do this, but there are places that hold a free preview class before you make the call of paying or not.  This is cool to do when you have nothing else to do and want to get out of the house or if you want to expel some of that energy your child has.  Please do not feel guilty about this!  I use to feel guilty ALL the time when doing this, but it is free and it is something to do.  We have to do what we have to do right??
  3. Go to the park.  I know that this one is a cliche, but if you have a child who LOVES the outside world like mine does, then the park is where it’s at.  I also know that some parks might not look as appealing…I have been there and I have made that stank face and turned around.  But if you do enough research, then you will find a park that will fit you and your child’s needs.  That’s what I did and it turned out that there was a park up the street from us and most of the community kids go there, so it’s great that my child gets to be outside plus get the social interaction that she needs.
  4. Craft up some neat stuff at stores.  I have also seen this advertised and I have actually registered my child in some of these, but there are free events at stores like Home Depot, Michael’s, etc.  These free events let your child craft up anything like a birdhouse, painting a pineapple, etc.  It’s a lot of fun for both of you and it lets out the creativity, let’s both of you communicate, and it’s great for problem solving!
  5. Go to free community wide events.  These don’t come very often, but some cities or communities hold free events in order to get to know your neighbor or get to explore more of the city.  Here in Virginia, my community does hold some free events, which is great because I get to say hello to a neighbor that I may not have known was there, but it also refreshes you a little bit when you see other parents (especially when you feel like that you are the only parent in the neighborhood).  The free city event that get held here is the farmer’s market and I think that is great also because not only are we out of the house, but we get to explore more of the city and we also get to take a look around at all of the produce that is available near me.  It’s great for your child to look around and maybe pick out some fruit or vegetables.  Maybe they will eat it then huh?

I use to feel alone ALL the time because I am a stay at home mom who homeschools my child, but I don’t really feel alone anymore.  I now know that there free events happening around me where me and my child both can get some fresh air and we get to be around people where we can get the social interactions that we need.  It’s great being a stay at home parent because you don’t pay for child care, but we all need a little break from being stuck in the house all day every day.  So, that’s where these free tips come in and I am so ever grateful for them.

I really do hope that you enjoyed reading and I hope that you do not feel alone in this parents.  We are all hanging in there and doing the best job that we can!  That’s it for this week and be a friend and click the social links to follow me.  As always, please like, share, comment, or subscribe and I will see you in the next post!  Have a great weekend!

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Featured In: Mom Life | Tips, Nerd Mom Life, Personal | May 18, 2018
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6 years ago

I used to do all the DIY stuff at Home Depot for kids when I was younger. It was so fun and we still have some of the stuff I made there! I can’t wait to bring my daughter when she is old enough too.

6 years ago

These are simple and great ideas! It just warmed up here in the midwest and we’ve been to the park and my 2 little ones LOVE it! We go to the library for story time every week and my son (2) finally whispered “Mom, I like this song” as he looks at the other kids including my 3 year old dancing to nursery rhymes.