We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
Hi everyone! I hope you have had a great week so far! I took a little mini break (again) as more family came to visit. Even though it was nice to relax and to be around family for the past month, I am excited to get back and to write you some new content. So, let’s get started…
I wrote a piece earlier on bath bombs, making sure that moms take their ‘me’ time, and talked about the shop that I have partnered with. Well, now it is time for my review on this cute and awesome bath bomb shop.
First, let’s talk about the shop. The shop is called PopNatural and this shop is simply cute, unique, and has some amazing products to offer. The woman who owns the shop, Christi, is a super mom that also runs her shop like a boss. But how did this all start? Well, I got on this amazing opportunity to be a brand rep when my friend, K.B. Everly Author, asked if anyone wanted to spread the word about this partnership of hers with her book and a bath bomb. I was intrigued, so I asked her about it and BAM! I took the leap and became a rep.
However, with limited funds, I couldn’t get a bath bomb right away, but eventually I got the funds to do it and ordered one. Then it finally came, the day came that it arrived in the mail and it couldn’t have come at a better time. I was already down in the dumps and wanted to feel better, so what is my serenity? A hot bath. So, I made myself a hot bath, got the book pulled up on my phone, then got into the tub with my bath bomb. I was very impatient once I got in because I was too excited to relax and try out this bath bomb, so I went for it. I put the bath bomb into the tub and it was nothing but fabulous. It was filled with so much fizzy goodness, smelled heavenly, and to top it off… GLITTERY!!
Yes, you heard that right…my bath turned into a hot steam bath of glittery heaven. When I first put it in the water, the colors were so pretty with mixes of blue, pink, and white, but the middle of the bath bomb was black; so by the time it was done, it looked like a pretty galaxy. (Okay…I will say that I did nerd out and wanted to break out my Sailor Moon dance interpretation)
Anyways, after soaking in the bath, reading my book, Jinxed, and relaxing, I felt like I was at my own spa. But then, it came the time for me to get out, so as I was getting out of the tub, I noticed that my skin was so soft. I thought it was just because of the bath, but as it turned ot, it was the bomb. The ingredients of the bombs nourishes your skin, so you leave the tub feeling like that you have left a spa. It was amazing! (Not to mention that the book is such a good read and it’s funny)
So, for my review…I will definitely recommend to check out this shop and this book. Both women are amazing! If you want to check out the shop, then click here (and you can also get my coupon for 10% off when you spend $10, just add NERDJINX10): https://www.etsy.com/shop/POPNatural?ref=pr2018_faveshops
And to check out the book, then click here: https://www.amazon.com/Jinxed-Toxic-Bitchcraft-Book-One-ebook/dp/B07CRLVC4B/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1533868048&sr=8-5&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=jinxed&dpPl=1&dpID=514rikVKSaL&ref=plSrch
Well, that’s a wrap! I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope you have a great weekend! For all the parents out there, set some time for you to take a little serenity ‘me’ time. We all need a nice little break every once in a while. As always, subscribe, follow, or share and I will see you in the next post!