Birth Control: A Motherly Experience

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Hi! So, before I get started on this post, I will tell you that this is just me telling my story and my experiences with birth control.  This post will have some things that are honest and some things that are weird, but I am a nerd mom, so it makes sense haha.  So, now here is my story…

This all started when I became “active” and I went through a lot of changes/experiences that really shaped on how I perceive what love is and on how to be healthy.  I never thought in a million years that I would be struggling with these type of things, but here I am.  I have struggled.  The first birth control that I ever experienced was the pill.  Now, with the pill, I started to feel really moody, angry for most of the time, and I even started to doubt my self image.  I was on the pill for at least a year before I told my doctor on everything that changed and asked if there was another option.  She told me about the shot and I took it.

I was on the shot for about 2 years and I absolutely hated it.  I thought at first that it was a convenience because I didn’t have to worry about taking something every day and I only had to go every few months.  Well, after a while, I dreaded going every few months to get “the” shot.  After I got the shot, I felt miserable, tired, moody, and all around just sick.  For most of the time, life experiences got me down, but I still felt like I wasn’t myself.  So, I went back and decided to get back on the pill.  After another year or two, I stopped birth control all together, but I believe that the effects really got to me.  I still didn’t feel right or anything.  I was practicing other methods, but all in all, I still didn’t get “me” back.

Then, my daughter was born and both me and my husband was not ready for another one soon, so I talked to the most amazing doctor that I have had in forever.  She got me, understood me, and actually wanted to help.  So, she recommended the Mirena.  I jumped at the chance because it sounded so good and it fit into my lifestyle.  However, after a while, I started to see the side effects of the birth control.  Once again, I started to get moody, tired all the time, not feeling like myself, depressed, and gaining weight.  As a new mom, I hated to feel tired all the time and I really felt like I was alone in the world and that is a scary place to be.  I tried and still am trying to be the best mother to my daughter, but I didn’t know how when I felt this way.  All of these side effects that I had never really kicked in until 4 years and about 2 moves later.  When my fibromyalgia kicked up and it was decided that I needed to get healthy and lose weight, it all made sense on why I wasn’t losing, but gaining more weight.  If you want to read my story on fibromyalgia, then read it here.

It was because of my birth control.  Now, I am not saying that all birth control is bad or that you will get these side effects, but this is how birth control effected me and that it can happen to anyone.  So, when I went for my yearly visit to the doctor, I asked about getting the Mirena out and to explain all of these truths about birth control.  She told me that all of these side effects that were happening to me is definitely a possible side effect from birth control.  I will tell you right now that I felt instant gratification and that a weight lifted off my shoulders that there was this doctor confirming everything that I felt.  Finally, I made the decision to take my birth control out and stop.

Since stopping, I have had more energy, less self doubt, starting to feel more like “me” again, and I am proud of myself for standing up for myself.  My husband and family has 100% supported me through this decision.  And, I can honestly say that I don’t think I would have felt great with this decision without him or my family supporting me.  Me and my husband now have a great system now and I feel happier.  We both know what we want, talked everything through, and made our decisions together.  Now, fast forward to today, I am working towards getting my health back, I am eating better, losing weight, and all around getting “me” back.  I have found that this is a priority for any mother or for anyone.  The saying is true that, “You need to love yourself first before anyone can love you.”

If anyone has gone through this or going through this, then please talk to someone, your doctor or anyone.  I swear that I am shy and don’t really talk about my feelings or my opinions that much, but I am so glad that I got up the courage to say enough.

Well, I got this off my chest and now I will run away from the computer.  I know that this is not for everyone, but my goal with this post is to help anyone that has felt like how I felt know that there is support out there, just reach out your hand and you will find support.  We all need support.  So, until next week, this is the end of another story of mine.  I hope you all enjoyed reading.  And, as always, I hope you all have a great weekend and I will see you in the next post!

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Featured In: Personal | September 21, 2018
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